1. At the time of submission, authors' affiliation (university, institute), department, Korean abstract, table of contents, and key words should be submitted. Authors' name, title, key words and abstract should be submitted in English as well.
2. In principle, table of contents and numbers should be written in Arabic numerals and the case number for each item follows the example of 'Ⅱ, 2, b, 2), b),(2), (a).'
3. In the text, references should be cited when it is excerpted or quoted from others' publication.
1) When the name of the author is in the text: 김기영(2000), Robert(2000a: 9), Robert(2000a: 9-11)
2) When the name of the author is not in the text: (김기영⋅이순희, 2000), (Robert and Lee, 2001: 9)
3) For three or more authors : (김기영 외, 2000), (Robert et al., 2002: 9)
4) For number of references : (김기영, 2000; Robert, 2000a; Lee, 2000)
4. Figures or graphs should be marked as <Graph 1>, <Figure 1>. To reveal its source, write "※ source: " underneath, according to the reference format.
5. All references cited in the text or footnote must be listed in the reference section at the end of body.
1) In reference section, Eastern literature (Chinese character) such as Korean, Chinese and Japanese should be listed first in Korean alphabetical order followed by other alphabetical literature such as English.
2) Use " " for articles and 『 』 for books in Korean or Chinese character. Use " " for English articles and italics for English books.
3) When there are two or more works by the same author, list the entries by the year. When they are published in the same year, assign letter suffixes (a, b, c) to the year (e.g., 1980a, 1980b) in the order of appearance in the text. In this case, avoid repetition of the name of the author and replace with "--------."
4) To cite web sources, follow the order of author, year, title, and the address of the web site (date of search).
5) Example
김기영. 2000. "한국의 정당체계 변화." 『한국정당체계』. 서울: 연세사.
Robert, Nick. 2000a. "Political System in Korea." Political Science in
Korea. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
김기영. 2001. "한국의 정당체계 변화." 『연세연구』, 제4호, pp. 1-4.
Robert. Nick. 2000. "Political System in Korea." Political Affairs, Vol. 4,
No. 2(Summer), pp. 1-4.
김기영. 1999. "한국의 정당체계 변화." 연세대학교 박사학위논문.
Robert, Nick. 1999. "Political System in Korea." Ph. D. Diss., University of Chicago.
김기영. 2000. 『한국정당체계』. 서울: 연세사.
Robert, Nick. 2000a. Political Science in Korea. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
김기영. 2001. "한국의 정당체계 변화." 김철수⋅이순희 편. 『한국정당체계』. 서울: 연세사.
Robert, Nick, John Smith. 2001. "Political system in Korea." Tom Johnson
and Jane Wilson, eds. Political Science in Korea. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Robert, Nick 저. 김철수 역. 2002. 『한국정당체계』. 서울: 연세사.
Conference Proceedings:
김기영. 2002. "한국의 정당체계 변화." 연세대학교 춘계학술대회. 서울. 5월.
Robert, Nick. 2002. "Political System in Korea." International Conference. Chicago. U.S.A. Spring.'
Web site: (search date: 2002. 1. 1).
6. To mention appreciative words, acknowledgement or others, mark '*' on the upper right-hand of manuscript title and write in the footnote.
7. Attach 400 words Korean and English abstracts.
8. Supply 5-6 key words in Korean and in English.
9. Supply English name of the author and the English title.
1. Manuscript Style
표 Paper Paragraph Form Character Form A4, Single Page, Narrow Left/Right Margins 0 Font Times New Roman Top 30 Spacing 160 Size 10 Bottom 50 Upper/lower Paragraph Spacing 0 Character Spacing 95 Left/Right 30 Indent 3 Letter Spacing 0 Heater 10 Justified alignment Footer 15 Word Spacing 0 2. Order of manuscript : The order of manuscript is title, author, Korean abstract, body, references, and English abstract.3. Titles of the body : The case number for each title in the body follows the example of 'Ⅱ, 2, b, 2), b),(2), (a).'4. Korean abstract : Abstract should be in 400 words, 9.5 pt, character spacing 95, letter spacing 10, spacing 130 and in column.5. Font size : Use 10pt and for title, use 15 pt (for subtitle, use 12 pt). Name is 12pt.For headings in body, I is 13pt, 1. is 12pt, b. is 11pt, bold and for foot note, 9pt.6. Paragraph form : Title is located in the middle and name is on the right hand. Affiliation is footnoted with '*.' For I, no indent, spacing 250. For 1, indent 3, spacing 200. For heading, indent 3, spacing 160.7. Footnote : Foot note is Times New Roman, 9pt .8. References : Center the word 'References' using Times New Roman with 13pt, bold.Contents of references should be in left margins 5, right margins 0, spacing 150, upper paragraph spacing 0, lower paragraph spacing 0, justified alignment, word spacing 0.9. Page number : Number the page on the upper hand of both sides and do not use hyphen. -